This is Udayen Ganguly from West Bengal. Urnab is my six-year old son. He needs your help. It has been nearly six months when he was diagnosed with a swollen liver. It was a harrowing moment for me as for the first time I felt the fear of losing my son. He is a great kid. He always makes me feel proud. His charming smile and happy-go-lucky attitude makes my day. However, It has been an excruciation to see him go through the persistent pain over the last few months.

The doctor told me that Liver transplant is the only option. Since I am the only earning member in my family, I was told to arrange about Rs. 14 lacs. It’s quite an amount for an average, middle class man in our nation. In spite of the financial crux, all I could think of was to get my son treated and to end his pain.

I did multiple shifts, took loans, emptied bank accounts, sold off belongings, and somehow, through god’s grace managed to deposit the requisite amount required for the transplant. While it was heart wrenching to see my child endure the pain arising from the operation and the regular tests; there was hope of a better time ahead.

The liver transplant got successfully done and I was under an impression that things will gradually fall into place. However, my world got shattered when the doctor told me that Urnab is still in danger, after the transplant. The doctor suggested that Urnab should go through ERCP for the next one year – which will cost around Rs. 5.5 lakhs $ 7160.

10 days ago, I got Urnab admitted back to the hospital. His health is very critical and the hospital has demanded the amount to be deposited soonest as possible for the treatment to be continued. With no amount left to spare, I am financially broke and emotionally wrenched on the things that are happening with my family. It’s immensely painful to see my child in pain. And I can’t imagine losing him.

You all are my only hope left. I have no means to come up with another 5.5 lakhs of amount. I have given my everything to save my little one. And that hasn’t been enough. Please help me save my Urnab. I request you all to make donations. There is no time left and the amount needs to be submitted, before situation worsens further and
I lose my son.

I will forever be grateful for each blessing and contribution made from your end, shall my son see the life that lies ahead of him. He is a great, chirpy kid. Help me save him. I humbly request you all.



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