How do I cancel a donation?
Please note that a donation once made cannot be cancelled.
In case of unauthorised use of your banking information for making a donation, please write to us at

How do I cancel and process a refund for a Gift Item for which I paid?
It would take us 7 to 10 business days to process a refund.
Dil Se Mehek is not responsible for any delays that may arise from the bank’s side.
Please note that cancellation is possible only before a gift has been purchased or delivered to the beneficiary.
Once the gifts have been purchased or delivered, cancellation or refund is not possible.

How will I get my money back after cancellation? 
The money will be credited back to the Bank account that was initially used for the transaction.
How do I apply for a return for the gift items that I sponsored to a child?
There is no return policy in Dil Se Mehek.Once a gift item has been purchased or delivered to the beneficiary, it cannot be returned.

Is there is a refund policy in Dil Se Mehek?
Note that there is no refund for the donations or any other monetary contribution given to Bhumi.
In case of unauthorised use of your banking information for making a donation, please write to us at