Founder's Statement

In 2015, my son was born prematurely. He weighed only 1.3 kg at the time of birth. Doctor’s informed us that he would need a long-term stay in a hospital. It was during this period that I realized the need to spread empathy across the world, that every parent and child deserves the dignity of leading a life with access to quality healthcare regardless of their background. My son was getting treatment at a private hospital and by each passing day, we were facing financial crises.  With the grace of God, my family came out from that emotional and financial crisis and now I want to do something for the parents who are unable to give proper care to their child in the unavailability of proper funds.

It's my unshakeable belief that India will never achieve its true growth story until we strengthen the foundation of our country strong. My aim is to create a model for development that can be replicated at scale across India and perhaps the world. I believe in a collaborative model and work with multiple partners which include NGOs, other foundations, the government, and corporates. We at the Dil Se Mehek are committed and raring to go. We aren't naïve about the task we've set but are determined to create communities that will have the ability to contribute substantially to India's growth story. 

The trust aims to provide quality healthcare & education for the underprivileged children, dignity to the homeless and in-kind support to the poor patients and their immediate caregivers

I always dreamt of India, a cheerful place to live where no children will die due to unavailability of medical care. We hope that you will pledge your support to the Dil Se Mehek, to our children or in other words to future of our country. Pledge to support their dreams with the same passion as we pursue our own. Pledge to become a part of their world.

Today, I want to leave you with three thoughts
If not now, then when?
If not here, then where?
If not you, then who?