“The guilt I feel from being powerless in helping my child keeps me up at night,” cries Aarav’s mother.

“We have spent nearly INR 2 Lakh on his treatment in the last 6 months. But now we need ₹6 lakhs more to save him. 

My husband goes from farm to farm, asking for work as a laborer, but his earnings are barely enough. We have struggled so much to collect this amount, and now we are running out of time and options. 

Please, help us save our child!”

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Arnave was born a healthy, happy baby in January 2022. But in the last 6 months, his health took a turn for the worse. 

He became extremely weak, and his parents noticed his vision was deteriorating. He often fell, bumping into objects right in front of him. His worried parents rushed him to the hospital, and the doctor's diagnosis changed their lives forever.

Arnave was diagnosed with Thalassemia Major, a debilitating blood disorder. Since then, his life has been a cycle of painful transfusions, the only thing keeping him alive.

At just 2 years old, when most children are playing and exploring, Arnave has spent his childhood in and around hospitals, going through immense pain just to survive.

“We are uneducated, but as the doctors explained, we started realizing that our son’s life was at risk. They recommended a bone marrow transplant as the only option. But when we heard the cost, it felt like the ground was pulled out from under us.

But we didn’t give up. We went back to our village, begged, and borrowed from everyone we could ,” Arnave’s mother said, tears in her eyes.

Unfortunately, Arnave has developed a severe condition,  called Neuroblastoma  (A rare case of pediatric primary central nervous system differentiating neuroblastoma: an unusual and rare intracranial primitive neuroectodermal tumor ).

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Arnave has grown terribly weak due to the frequent injections and treatments. He has lost his appetite, and the doctors consider his situation critical.

Arnave needs broad-spectrum antibiotics, multiple daily bladder irrigations, pain management and blood transfusions. He needs to Bone Marrow Transplant.

“We have done everything we could. The medications weren’t a long-term solution. My Arnave’s health has deteriorated, and I don’t know how else to save my child,” his mother says.

However, despite a glimmer of hope, Arnave’s family can’t afford to continue his treatment. The estimated cost is a staggering ₹6 lakhs, which they simply cannot manage.

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Arav’s father, a farm laborer, barely earns enough to feed the family. They recently moved to Delhi from their village and have no source of income, currently living in the hospital premises.

So far, the family sold everything they had for his initial treatment and now have nothing left.

You are this family’s only hope. Your kindness can bring them a step closer to seeing Arnave healthy again. Help Arnave. heal!

For authenticity of the case, you can speak to the parents at - 8235172352.


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